Our Services

Check out our local elementary classes. We offer language arts, math, science, and many elective classes.

Check out our local middle school classes. We offer language arts, math, science, and many elective classes.

Check out our local high school classes. We offer English, Literature, math, science, social studies, and many elective classes.

If your child is struggling in reading, writing, spelling, math, or has ADD, ADHD, we may have some answers to help you help your child.

We offer FREE training videos that give you step by step instructions on how to teach reading, writing, spelling, and math. We also offer advice on homeschool topics such as socialization, best curriculum choices, homeschool co-ops, scheduling, and so much more.

Contact Me
For inquiries about course offerings or other services, get in touch today.
Serena Augustin
PO Box 1323, Delta Junction, AK 99737